Grubs CERAMIC 5.0 S5™ is the world's first rubber safety boot that uses non-metallic materials. This means it conducts neither cold nor electricity making them popular in a wider field of safety footwear.
- CERAMIC SAFETY TOE - complies with BS EN ISO 203450 S5 without cold absorbing/ emitting metal materials
- DEFENDER™, 5mm Ballistic insole - lightweight and flexible whilst passing both BS EN ISO 20344: 2004 5.8.2 penetration standard and BS EN
ISO 20344: 2004 5.9 flex resistance, without the cold of Steel.
- 6mm NITROCELL™ footbed - provides a soft cushioning for an athletic shoe feel. A million microscopic nitrogen bubbles that insulate the
wearer from cold surfaces.
- TREDZ™(DURAPRENE™rubber) outsole - superior grip on a variety of surfaces, the tread is designed to work with the action of the foot, is oil
resistant and passes TM144: 1999slip resistance test.